FUE Procedure

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplantation is now more successful and efficient than ever before.  The FUE micrografting hair transplant procedure is one of the best hair loss solutions available today.

“I use the SAFE method of FUE transplantation developed by James A. Harris, M.D., FACS of Greenwood Village, Colorado. I have been trained in Colorado with Dr. Harris to learn this revolutionary new technique and am now one of only a few surgeons in the country to offer this acclaimed technique as an option for hair transplant surgery.” – Dr. Jochen

The SAFE System, developed by Dr. Jim Harris, is a device that uses blunt dissection to isolate the follicular units from the surrounding tissue. The device allows the physician to perform precise Follicular Unit Extraction with minimal damage to follicles. By using a motorized instrument, it significantly increases the speed of the procedure.

This FUE technique is accomplished using the Powered SAFE Scribe – a power operated 0.8 mm punch graft instrument which greatly increases the viable number of hair follicles able to be harvested with less damage to the follicles. This procedure is safe and more effective than Neograft or any robotic hair transplant procedure. This technique also increases the number of hairs that can be harvested per hour, thereby reducing total procedure time and cost.

With the Powered SAFE Scribe, the FUE hair transplant is now considered minimally invasive. Because of the small individual punches of harvested hairs, there is no visible scarring and the healing time is faster.

With the FUE technique, we are literally harvesting hundreds or thousands of individual hairs one at a time. The Powered SAFE Scribe makes the procedure easier by vibrating around the hair follicle to isolate it as I excise it for re-transplantation.

“I recommend the SAFE FUE method of hair transplantation to patients who wants a minimally invasive hair restoration procedure and want to avoid the small linear scar that results from follicular unit transplantation.” -Dr. Jochen

Hair transplant costs vary based on the number of micro-grafts you need. A consultation with our patient care coordinator will help determine the cost. Call today to schedule your consultation. In addition to in person consultations (for a small charge), we offer FREE Skype Video consultations and FREE phone consultations.